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Is JavaScript the Right Fit for ML? Here Are the Pros and Cons

Machine Learning’s journey had taken a rapid turn to transformation when it switched from an experimental technology to an applied one. The level of adoption of this technology is also gradually growing in all sectors of the market.  2021 is expected to see revolutionary modifications to Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning technology. Therefore, it is […]

7 JavaScript Code Editors to Enhance the Efficiency of Your Apps

JavaScript is almost everywhere, and its global presence on the internet is undeniable. Most applications use it in one form or another. Moreover, any product owner who is serious about the internet should utilize JavaScript. If you already have adequate knowledge of javascript, be sure to continue learning new JavaScript IDEs, libraries, frameworks, and tools […]

Know All About React 18 Alpha in Just 10 Minutes!

ReactJS has always been the desired technology for developers and entrepreneurs. Its advantages are hard to ignore.  And what’s better? React 18 is here! And with it comes many upgrades and features entrepreneurs and developers were longing for. However, you might be wondering what such a big deal with the React 18 Alpha is? Why […]